
จากการศึกษาโมเดลบาดแผล fibroblast โดยใช้ซัลเฟต กาแลคแตนขนาดเล็ก (LMSG) เสริมด้วย octanoyl ester (Oct) พบว่า Oct-LMSG ช่วยเพิ่มการฟื้นฟูเนื้อเยื่อได้ดีขึ้น จากการที่ Oct-LMSG ถูกดูดซึมขึ้นเข้าเซลล์ fibroblasts ได้มากขึ้น เพิ่มการกระตุ้นการสร้าง mRNA และโปรตีนคอลลาเจนประเภท I ผ่านการส่งสัญญาณ Smad ในเซลล์


Wound treatment remains an important medical and social issue. Numerous individuals worldwide suffer from injuries, burns, ulcers and surgical wounds, the treatment of which requires significant financial and healthcare resources. The search for effective, affordable, easily applicable wound-healing drugs continues to be a pressing issue in modern medicine. Recently, our group reported that a low molecular weight sulfated galactan (LMSG) with added octanoyl moiety (Oct-LMSG) exhibited enhanced wound healing activity. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that octanoyl esterification enhances the membrane-penetrating efficacy of LMSG in fibroblast cells and promotes collagen synthesis, which is an essential molecule in tissue regeneration.


Low molecular weight sulfated galactan (LMSG) supplemented with octanoyl ester (Oct‑LMSG) demonstrated superior wound healing activity compared to the unsupplemented LMSG in a fibroblast wound model. To test the hypothesis that the increased bioactivity of Oct‑LMSG may depend on its penetration into the plasma membrane, its cellular uptake was investigated and collagen production in fibroblast cells was assessed for the first time. The cellular uptake of Oct‑LMSG was examined using indirect immunofluorescence and a confocal laser scanning microscope. In addition, the degree of fibroblast activation associated with this uptake was evaluated. The results indicated increased LMSG internalization in fibroblasts treated with Oct‑LMSG. Transmission electron micrographs revealed the ultrastructure of active protein production in fibroblasts upon treatment with Oct‑LMSG. In addition, Oct‑LMSG upregulated the expression of type I collagen mRNA and proteins, as well as related signaling molecules involved in collagen synthesis, including collagen type I α1 chain (Col1A1), Col1A2, phosphorylated (p)‑Smad2/3 and p‑Smad4. The current findings support the notion that the supplementation of LMSG with octanoyl enhanced its cellular uptake into fibroblasts and, as a result, regulated the expression of type I collagen in fibroblasts via the activation of the Smad signaling pathway. This study demonstrates the therapeutic potential of Oct‑LMSG in promoting tissue regeneration.

KEYWORDS: low molecular weight sulfated galactan, octanoyl ester, collagen-I, Smad proteins, fibroblasts

Citation: Sakaew W, Somintara S, Jongsomchai K, El-Abid J, Wongprasert K, Kovensky J, Rudtanatip T. Octanoyl esterification of low molecular weight sulfated galactan enhances the cellular uptake and collagen expression in fibroblast cells. Biomed Rep. 2023 Oct 23;19(6):99. doi: 10.3892/br.2023.1681



Goal 3: Good health and well-being

ผู้ให้ข้อมูล: ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.กนกพรรณ วงศ์ประเสริฐ
ชื่ออาจารย์ที่ทำวิจัย: ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.กนกพรรณ วงศ์ประเสริฐ
แหล่งทุนวิจัย: Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation and the Thailand Science Research and Innovation
Credit ภาพ: ศาสตราจารย์ ดร.กนกพรรณ วงศ์ประเสริฐ


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