On July 31, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somluk Asuvapongpatana, Head of Department of Anatomy, Mahidol University, Faculty of Science, led the department in participating in the AUN-QA site visit. The assessment was carried out according to AUN-QA criteria, emphasizing excellence in curriculum-level education.

The assessment team was headed by Dr. Petch Sajjacholapunt, Ph.D., from Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, with Asst. Prof. Wironrong Chierakul, M.D., Ph.D., from Faculty of Tropical Medicine, assisting as an assessor.

In Room K101 of the Chalermphrakiat Building, the visit focused on assessing two key postgraduate programs: Doctor of Philosophy Program in Anatomy and Structural Biology (International Program) and Master of Science Program in Anatomy and Structural Biology (International Program). The opening session conducted between 8:45 AM to 9:00 AM, included key attendees: Head of Department Assoc. Prof. Somluk Asuvapongpatana; Doctoral Program Director Assoc. Prof. Krai Meemon; Master’s Program Director Assoc. Prof. Rapeepun Vanichviriyakit; Doctoral Program Secretary Asst. Prof. Morakot Sroyraya; and Master’s Program Secretary Assoc. Prof. Nopporn Jongkamonwiwat.

Following the opening session, the day’s schedule included meetings with key department members, faculty, alumni, employers, students, and support staff. The agenda also included a site visit to essential facilities, including libraries, lecture halls, laboratories, and IT services to assess the physical resources supporting the programs.

On August 1, 2024, the assessment was finalized with a closing session from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM, which included the presentation of preliminary findings. The session was attended by the department’s leadership, program chairs, key program committees, and faculty.

The assessment highlights a major achievement in the enhancement of educational quality at Mahidol University, verifying that Anatomy and Structural Biology programs align with international benchmarks and deliver top-tier academic experiences. We express our thanks to the assessor team for their significant feedback and supportive approach, which will help guide the future advancement of our programs.

Contents & English approvement: Assistant Professor Dr. Sittipon Intarapat
News writer: Acting Captain Naret Chantharangsikul
Photos: Napasak Poulpanich (Audio-visual Unit, System Development and Technology Division, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University)
Webmaster: Acting Captain Naret Chantharangsikul